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    • 复旦大学上海医学院-上海市医学图像处理与计算机辅助手术重点实验室


    [Briefings in Bioinformatics] ProteinF3S: Boosting Enzyme Function Prediction by Fusing Protein Sequence, Structure, and Surface


    ProteinF3S: Boosting Enzyme Function Prediction by Fusing Protein Sequence, Structure, and Surface

    Mingzhi Yuan *, Ao Shen *, Yingfan Ma, Jie Du, Bohan An, Manning Wang

    Briefings in Bioinformatics (IF:6.8)


    Proteins can be represented in different data forms, including sequence, structure, and surface, each of which has unique advantages and certain limitations. It is promising to fuse the complementary information among them. In this work, we propose a framework called ProteinF3S for enzyme function prediction that fuses the complementary information across protein sequence, structure, and surface. To achieve more effective fusion, we propose a multi-scale bidirectional fusion strategy between protein structure and surface, in which the hierarchical features of a surface encoder and a structure encoder interact with each other bidirectionally. Based on these interactions, more distinctive features can be obtained. After that, we achieve further fusion by concatenating the sequence features with the features containing structure and surface information, so that better performance can be achieved. To validate our method, we conduct extensive experiments on tasks including enzyme reaction classification and enzyme commission number prediction. Our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance and shows that fusing different forms of data is effective in enzyme function prediction.